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We are asking our church family to partner with our students as they serve our community to collect food for our local food pantry. These are the items we are looking for and need them delivered to church by this coming Saturday morning 3/15/25, and if you would like to make a monetary donation we will use that for our students to shop for the food.

Cereal (full box/bag)
Shelf Stable Milk
Gallon Ziplocks Bags
Pop Tarts
Pack of Drinks
Instant Potatoes
Peanut Butter Crackers
Granola Bars
Peanut Butter
Condiments (NO glass)
Canned Meats
Canned Fruits
Canned Pastas
Mac & Cheese
Bag/Box Rice
Bag of Dried Beans
Canned Vegetables
Canned Soups
Ramen Noodles or Cup Noodles

Thank you so much for your support